Friday, September 11, 2009

mobile blogging

I wrote a wonderful blog last Saturday about my love for all movies Jane Austen. it expounded on my passion for even sense and sensibility with Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet. There may have even been a little affection for Collin Firth in there (ok alot but who doesn't love him?). However because I was taking time on the couch and I was too lazy to get up to get the computer I was blogging on my phone. Then I hit submit and it didn't, so I hit save, and it didn't. So this is what you get.... I love jane austen movies.


erin said...

BOO! This is why I don't mobile blog either. My rule? Two lines or less.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Poor Jess...but this post cracks me up. Love you and see you soon! Andrea

Scholar and Sailor said...

Are you sure it wasn't Mr. Firth who distracted you? That can happen sometimes.