Disclaimer: I was never on "bad terms" with any of our local librarians- they are all very nice people that are always smiling, which I appreciate.
I have been a little busy this past month and forgot to return books that were due on May 11th. (today is June 9th) After checking due dates and overdue fines last night on the computer I collected all of the library books in our house, except 1. It's missing and I can't find it. After digging under the beds, looking in bags and car I figured if I returned all of the book that I have found and came clean with the librarians they might give me a break.
After paying $12.70 in over due fines for 7 books, I explained that I currently am unable to find the 8th book. The librarian kindly gave me a break, with a smile and renewed the missing book. While the search continues at home I breath a sign of relief knowing I will have 2 weeks before the fines begin again.
The missing book is a Nora Roberts book I have yet to read.