Friday, April 9, 2010


I have not forgotten you! We are just extremely busy. The holidays caught us off guard and the spring came barrelling in faster than anyone could have anticipated.
I'm not going to try and catch you up because it would take hours and days, just too much. I'll try for just a few highlights.
*We are moving into making Lip Balm and lotions and all sorts of new products for Neumann Farms.
* I have taken up knitting that has resulted in 3 scarves, 1.5 homemade wash clothes.
*Isabelle turned 2 and sleeps in a big girl bed and is potty trained. The next feat will be drinking out of a big girl cup. Testing thus far has resulted in a soaking wet daughter.


erin said...

I missed you, Jess! Welcome back.
What's your potty-training secret??

Jessica said...

I'm not sure there was a secret. The week of christmas when we were home for 2 weeks we put underware on and that was the end of it. If she had an accident then we changed into new undies. She is still in a diaper at night but dry 6 out of 7 mornings and is in undies at nap time. When SJ is ready she'll do it. we didn't push just encouraged. Now to get rid of the potty treats! I missed you as well! Glad to be back.