Sunday, August 8, 2010

Come on in....

This weekend was full of surprises, some good and some bad. Friday Isabelle and I saw the Nina and the Pinta in Hudson and spend the afternoon at the beach with friends only to come home for family front yard camp out.
The family camp out was great. Todd left early on Saturday morning to go into work for a short day and Isabelle and I headed in the house for a normal morning routine about 7 am. It was a short hour later when I looked at the weather and thought I should empty out the tent to avoid soggy sleeping bags from some anticipated rain. While I was loading out the tent Isabelle came out on the step and said, "Mama, there is a bird in the house." She was watching cartoons so I did a little more probing to rule her imagination out. She told me the bird was "flapping its wings" while flapping her little arms. It was at this point, still in my pajama's mind you, that I realized there was potentially a BAT in my house. Isabelle and I ventured in and rounded the corner from laundry area to kitchen when the BAT flew directly at us from the living room.
I grabbed my daughter, ran out of the house, hopped in our car and drove to my brother and sister-in-laws house just 30 seconds away.
We knocked and went in, explained the severity of the situation at my house. YES AT BAT IS SEVER SITUATION-let me clarify I have nothing against bats in the wild and out of doors, as I said we camped the night before. HOWEVER when the WILD ANIMAL enters my house all bets are off. SO my brother in law grabs a tennis racket and goes to our house. After a complete 30 minute search he came back empty handed. I reluctantly took Isabelle home with me after Tim convinced me that the bat had to be in the floor joyces in the bathroom where the false ceiling has not been put up yet. Before leaving Tim hands the tennis racket to 2 year old Isabelle and say, "Izzy, if you see the bat hit it with this." Isabelle takes this instruction like the karate kid listened to Mr. Miyagi.
We went home and tip toed into the house. Isabelle said, "shhh mom, we're hunting bats" (no joke seriously I could not make this us". Once I have stopped laughing and decided things are "safe" Isabelle begins to roam the house with the racket in hand while I remain near the entrance of the house in the laundry room doing some much needed laundry, thank goodness I could look useful while really just staying near the entrance of the house. I call Todd and tell him what is going on and urge him to leave work knowing full well I will have to wait at least 35 minutes until he is home to fix the situation.
While I'm dialing the phone to call my mom and notify her of the red alert at my house Isabelle comes over with the racket and stands next to me and says, "Come here batty, batty. I've got something for you."
I asked while the phone was ringing, "What do you have for the bat?"
"This." she simply replies with a grin while raising the tennis racket.
I almost couldn't speak I was laughing so hard when my dad answered the phone. Seriously who is this kid!
After finished being laughed at by my parents, clearly my natural fear of bats came from them, I moved to the couch in the living room with Isabelle, my knitting, the tennis racket on one side and a blanket covering my lap. Like if I saw the bat I could cover Isabelle and myself and then just stick the racket out and let the bat fly into it. This is how Todd found us when he got home.
Todd found the bat 1.5 hours later. Nuff said about that.

The Bat was not the only new thing in the house this weekend, we have 4 new windows! YEAH! While Todd and his brother installed new windows upstairs Isabelle and I played and continued life as usual on the main level of the house but every time Isabelle hears banging upstairs she would say," Come on in..." I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of that.

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