Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Birthday Week

It is my husbands Birthday week. Thanks to a loverly friend we have a whole week to celebrate our birthdays. Some of the rules are 1) Birthday Week any 7 days including your birthday. So it could be the 7 days before, the 7 days after, 3 days on each side of your birthday and so on and so forth. 2) You can tell people to do what ever you want and they have to do it. Generally it just means that you have to be extra nice to the birthday person. Number 3 was just added last year in our household 3) You don't have to change a single diaper during Birthday week.

Todd began his birthday week Monday and his birthday was actually yesterday. He is also laid off again this week. Coincidence...? Anyway this week he has enjoyed breakfast in bed every day and as far as I know if I was in the room he hasn't changed a single diaper. We had dinner with my in laws last night and played with Isabelle, Addy and Teddy. It's so much fun to watch Addy and Isabelle together. They get along so well and share very well for a 1 and 2 year old.

As for the rest of our lives. I've officially moved into the downstairs shower. We don't have the vanity yet but after taking one shower in the spaciousness of it all I can't and won't go back to the stand up shower upstairs. I've also got 20 eggs cut out and ready to be sewn. Hopefully I will have time to get them done before Sunday. The next question it what to put in them... we will have to see what we can find.

We are also having my family up to our house for Easter and it is a disaster area so I'm hoping to clean things up starting tonight... we will see how that goes. Isabelle may have other plans and she usually wins!

What Easter Plans do you have?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay birthday week! I will be checking in to make sure you are following the rules! :) Happy Belated Bday, Dizzle!