Thursday, November 6, 2008

Peter Pan

My darling child thinks that she is Peter Pan and with dust from the shelving, a cute smile and a big enough will she can fly. She attempted this yesterday at day care off of a chair. Nothing major just a little rug burn and bruise ego. However not bruised enough to stop climbing the stairs at home.
OK so I started this last Thursday and meant to put of photos of Isabelle's rug burn but haven't gotten to it. Ironically, however, miss Isabelle slid down our stairs this weekend. She cried for about 4 minutes, I cried for about an hour and profusely apologized to Isabelle and my husband, because she was in my care at the time. Isabelle is completely fine in fact 7 minutes after it all happened she tried to take a few steps from my mother-in-law to me and 15 minutes later she was trying to crawl up the steps again!

Where was I when this happened you ask. I had merely bent over a clean clothes basket and stood up and she was gone. Why don't we have a gate you ask. Because our bedroom door was shut. I don't know how it all happened so fast. I always thought something like this would never happen to me. THANK GOD she is fine. Even now 2 days later I still feed the ball in the pit of my stomach. Where was I? Why wasn't I there to prevent it?

Isabelle has forgiven me, My husband his forgiven me and now it's time for me to stop blaming myself.

1 comment:

erin said...

I SO know where you're coming from.