Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ignorance was my bliss.

So Todd and I were going to go to Lowes together, he arrived earlier than I did and said that it was pretty much the same things that we had seen at previous places so I didn't go.

All I want is a 1 piece shower and tub with a whirlpool. Is it really all that much to ask. Apparently it is and therefore I'm ignoring the major detail of the bathtub and moving on to color schemes and styles for the bathroom.

However I'm finding this to be difficult as well because this will be the beginning of our "style" for our home and there are many different styles that I like, however I'm not sure that I want to live with one of those styles forever. I wish wall color could be changed like you change your shoes.

I love all of those photos above and it would be wonderful to start my days by brushing my teeth, washing my face and getting ready to face the day in any of those rooms. However which one of those rooms could I live with for a LONG TIME??

Sweet goodness, I want to go back to the preremodel when I had idylic visions and could say things like "When we remodel we will do this...".


Scholar and Sailor said...

Not that you wanted a vote...BUT... :)

I like the two on the left- mostly the red one. You could always just go with something 'farmhouse classic' - that will always match the outside of the house!

Jessica said...

Of course I would love a vote! I just wish that these were the only options! Any suggestions are always welcome!