Friday, August 15, 2008

Last Day Off

So from the beginning of the blog to today it's been 5 short days. and when you see the picture below you will be AMAZED. OK so maybe not amazed, but I'm AMAZED! This renovation has been something that Todd and I have talked about for years and years and now its really starting. It's making me anxious for the rest of the house.

This is what I saw when I walked into the bath/bedroom tonight when I got home from work! It's a clean construction zone. I didn't think there was such a thing but Todd did a great job cleaning up.

This is looking through the bathroom into the bedroom.

This is looking from the bedroom into the bathroom and out the door into the rest of the house. Todd's parents have stopped by to check in on the progress, because they live right next door and tonight his mom came equipped with many great ideas!

Tomorrow Todd and I are going to visit Menard's and Home Depot just to get ideas and see which direction we want to go. We have a clean slate and could start anywhere! I'm also excited to look at bath tubs. We have not had a working bath tub since last October. Which hasn't been a big deal we have a 3/4 bath upstairs in our house however Iz our daughter is getting too big to bath in the sink so a bath tub would be greatly appreciated. Also on a Friday night such as this I would love to put Iz down, get a glass of wine and good book and take a soak. With that wonderful thought I'm off!

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