Tuesday, February 3, 2009

13 months Old Today!

Happy 13 month birthday Isabelle!

Here are some new things that you have done in the past month. - You have all sorts of new sounds for animals including a cow, dog, cat, sheep, pig, horse, duck, chicken, and every ones favorite the tiger. You are picking up new words every day including Truck, PJ's, grandma and many more. Your favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and you are working hard on the motions. You have a new mad or frustrated face everyday that brings your father and I to tears we laugh so hard. ( I swear we are laughing with you). You suddenly love to be surprised, startled and chased. Your grandpa Neumann spent a good 20 minutes making you jump and chasing you on Sunday. I've never heard you laugh so much in your life. Also This past week you learned how to stand up for yourself and fight back.

On Thursday you were at Grandma Neumann's with Addy. Grandma went to the bathroom and suddenly heard crying. As she started to leave the bathroom you and Addy were headed right for her. You were fine but Addy was in tears. She told Grandma that you had taken her crayons away. Grandma looked in your hands and there were no crayons. Then she looked in your mouth and you had all 4 crayons in your mouth. Way to go girl!

Thank you for all the joy that you have brought to our lives. We love every second of watching you grow even if it's in the middle of the night and you say "HI" in the most chipper voice!

Love you- Ma

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