Friday, February 6, 2009

The State of Our Union

As of today I am the bread winner in the family. This is not a surprise or a bad thing by any means. Todd has taken a 5 week voluntary layoff from his job. During which time he is going to FINISH THE BATHROOMS! Did anyone notice the S on the end of bathrooms. That's right PLURAL. God willing my ever so handy husband is going to finish the main level bathroom for which this blog was originally started and to make over our upper level bathroom as well. (I just about crapped my pants when he mentioned that because we have not been able to use the shower in the main level for well over a year. AND since August we have only had 1 room that even resembled a bathroom.) So cross your fingers, toes, legs and arms that a miracle will happen in our home in the next month.
The other part of Todd's being home that I am really going to enjoy is not having to rush around in the morning to get Isabelle and I ready to head off to work and daycare. Isabelle will still be going to daycare but Todd can get her dressed and fed all while I get ready for work. That and we can spend a little time together every morning as a family. Secretly I'm more excited for this than my bathrooms, which I have learned to live with.

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