Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some fun pictures

I'll admit it, I need to get my but in gear and up load photos to my computer from my camera, however I'm not exactly sure where out connection cord is. I'm pretty sure it's right next to Isabelle's juice glass that she mysteriously lost on Sunday. We are not sure where in our house the purple juice glass has gone. Todd thinks that she is trying to make jail house hooch. We'll find out soon enough, hopefully.
Luckily for you and me we have a few pictures to share from the camera on my phone.

Here is the smartest baby in the world putting on her mamas mittens that we in her diaper bag.

Someones got her new shoes on!

Here little miss is opening up a birthday gift that came to her via mail. She was pretty excited and it included lots of ooohh's and pointing.

And here is our trial run of the BACON EXPLOSION! It was wonderful, need the Neumann tweaking but over all WONDERFUL! You all can expect it to be seen at many a social function.

Other wise things are pretty calm around here. We are all anxiously awaiting Friday because Todd is taking a 5 week voluntary layoff from work. During that time he will be working on the bathroom and hopefully completing that before we leave for Phoenix in early March.

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