Monday, February 23, 2009

Progress and Vocabulary

So I don't have any pictures today of our remodel but I can tell you we have made a lot of progress in the last week. The cement board is up around the tub, there is a brand new window in the bathroom and in the bedroom. We have a vanity and top along with all the fixtures we need including a toilet. We picked out paint and now I just wait patiently as Todd ticks things off of the to do list. He officially entered week 3 of the lay off. Which if we all do our math correctly leaves him 2 weeks to finish the bathroom. However we leave next Tuesday for Phoenix for 4 days, 3 nights quick trip to support everyone's favorite baseball team!
We have a family member who works for the Milwaukee Brewers and will be in Phoenix for their spring training. So we are making a trip down to see her and the team play. We are all excited. It will be Isabelle's first trip on an air plane. Don't worry there will be copious pictures from the trip.
In other Isabelle news she has starts to say so many new words this past week it's incredible. She can say animal, apple, and her first sentence "Hi Baby!" and this morning she said "Hi Dad." Todd was frying up some bacon when she said this and he turned to look at me with bewildered amazement and then a knowing look that we are now all in trouble. It's like a switch has been flicked on. I can't wait to see what she comes up with this week.
I will post more photos tomorrow however Todd wanted to clean up the construction zone before I put pictures up.

1 comment:

Scholar and Sailor said...

Woo hoo! Let me know when more sentences start a'coming!