Monday, February 9, 2009

Library of my Dreams part Duex

So last week I discovered that you could listen to books on tape on your computer from the library! I'm loving it! I love books. I love to read. I'm not a fast reader and since my little Isabelle has come I haven't made much time for reading. This year I have physically read 1 book and finished two others that I started at various times last year.
But now in the course of 1 week I've listened to 1 book and I expect to finish the 2nd today. I love it! I'm listening to Comfort Food right now by Kate Jacobs and it's brilliant. I highly recommend this book. Just wanted to share my joy of listening to books with all of you out there.

1 comment:

erin said...

AWESOME!!!! I am going to look into this! For your next one, I highly recommend Wickett's Remedy. Highly.